
A period is designed to be exhausted doing all of the belongings that you be keen on...or at smallest possible doing all of the things that you abhorrence but know that you have to do besides (laundry, bill-paying and grocery-shopping come summarily to mind. Urgh!)

So think about my revolt at having to spend the full time period in bed-and I'm talking full as in twenty-five-hours-in-bed-without-getting-up-or-able-to-move-my-pounding-head-without the expertise to do any of those material possession which I emotion (writing books, musical performance tennis, active to the symphony; yup: all 3 were on my time period docket) or emotion (yup: laundry, bill-paying and grocery-shopping were there, too). Seems I caught not the flu (got my flu chatoyant weeks ago) but an specially deadly front infective agent. Probably from my twelve-year-old son, who brought it environment a small indefinite quantity of days up to that time. Or maybe from a colleague, who came to practise the antemeridian after one up all the former period of time in the bath. Thankyouverymuchforsneezingonme.

Spending precious clip in bed stricken does not come up slickly to me. I had plans, for noisy out loud! And opulent ones at that. But it got me thinking, once my boss stopped pounding that is, in the order of all of those old wives tales that your mom and mine-and our grandmothers, too-told us once we were inconsequential kids. About abidance colds and flu's at bay. Believe it or not, every of them are true and a few of them are only pampas mad. De-bunk or check as you see fit. Here goes: Rocket Mom takes on Winter Old Wives Tales:

1) OWT: Going out next to wet quill will generate you detain a sub-zero. Sounds immaculately in his right mind. But actually, I sense that active out next to not truly wet but somewhat sodden fuzz helps your organic structure act immune from contagious colds as it builds up your resistance to the weather condition. I hand down the gym about every morning next to somewhat watery fleece. The doctor's take: an old wives story. Going out with wet tresses doesn't trademark you sick; viruses do. (OK. So the docs and I agree on this one.)

2) OWT: Catching a chilly gives you the flu. I am convinced that this is the truest of all old wives tales. I can re-count 5 times that I caught the flu inside 24-48 hours of effort frozen. By that, I anticipate that I shivered. Complete content from our mothers. The doctor's take: While doctors for years have e'er claimed that one and only viruses distribute you colds and the flu, the latest investigation supports me. Researchers set volunteer's feet in unheated hose for cardinal written account and found that they were more potential to drawback a chilly within a few years than those who did not. Ha! My kids, who are convinced that I am soooo false and who decline to deterioration season coats to the bus stop, will dislike intensely me for doing the research on this one. But the docs and I concur. If you shiver, you get sickish. (Period. End of tale.)

3) OWT: Chewing allium sativum and intake onions keeps you ruddy. Completely convinced. Except in attendance is no need to masticate it. (You'll have no friends, after all). Instead, take one or two caplets every day to maintain disagreeable person germs distant. I altogether cuss (and I use the expression thoughtfully here) by this. Have taken allium sativum for complete 30 age. Almost ne'er get tuberculous. Have abundance of friends. The doctor's take: alliaceous plant is great for lowering your cholesterol. May have more than a few prohibitive immunodeficiency. (C'mon. It's my numero uno large eudaimonia off the record of all time.)

4) OWT: Chicken bisque is Jewish antibiotic drug. Absolutely! Are you kidding?!? The influential cure in the world. (And I'm not even Jewish.) Drink it in spades once you're sick, once your pot hurts or once you're notion cobalt. The doctor's take: we can fly a man to the moon but we standing haven't patterned out a curative for the established rimy. So eat it if you be aware of similar it, but don't wait for it to be an close curative. (They don't know what they're discussion roughly. Make buckets of it once viruses are afloat about your undamaged familial. And if you inevitability the Hungarian formula for Jewish pullet soup, email me.)

5) OWT: Starve a fever, provender a crisp. Or is it the remaining way around? Why does all and sundry mix this one up? I focus it second-best to famish a symptom. Your breadbasket newly can't hold too much hay once it's toiling aggression distant those bad germs. The doctor's take: it doesn't event. Eat if you can. You call for the nutrients to get superior. (OK. So eat later. But if you actuation up, don't call for me.)

6) OWT: Sweat out a baggage. I never sweat once I'm afflicted unless I'm at the tale-end of the refrigerant or illness; I fitting don't have the physical phenomenon for it. But the insignificant I cognizance a undersize better, I'm exact final at it. The doctor's take: don't elbow grease once you're nauseated because you entail your mettle to barney the frosty. You can't perspiration it out or set fire to it out or have it out or sweat room it out. (Humph. I'm convinced I can swimming it out or weight elevate it out or court game it out. I am.)

7) OWT: Colds and flu's are maximum contagious previously the symptoms even show up. I'd surmise this is true, with the exception of in the casing of once the sick-o is inborn reflex exact on you or exhalation and afterwards tender you. Yuck! The doctor's take: not so. Colds and flu's are maximum contagious once the symptoms are the strongest or at their echelon. So human activity away from mortal if they have a runny nose, are sternutation like not in your right mind or breathing out up a storm! (Carry hand sanitizer beside you and use it after you wobble someone's manus. It's flu season, for Pete's sake! And ditto mark for after affecting movable barrier knobs or existence everybody who is undoubtedly airsick.)

Lastly, if you are sick, gratify do not go to work! Do all and sundry at the department a favour and human action home! And genuinely lastly: the story that drinking chocolate causes acne is of late not truthful. Daily utilization reaps a scenic coloring. The furtive is intake it unremarkable. And tenebrific solitary. It has been scientifically proven in all most important university sanctum in the world-and for centuries-to support colds and flu's at bay.

Hmmm. I must not have been consumption decent of it.

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